She looked over his shoulder
For vines and olive trees,
Marble well-governed cities
And ships upon untamed seas,
But there on the shining metal
His hands had put instead
An artificial wilderness
And a sky like lead.

A plain without a feature, bare and brown,
No blade of grass, no sign of neighborhood,
Nothing to eat and nowhere to sit down,
Yet, congregated on its blankness, stood
An unintelligible multitude,
A million eyes, a million boots in line,
Without expression, waiting for a sign.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Not much better

I've been thinking a lot lately about myself. Lots of real soul searching, writing, and thinking about my job, love, and life in general. Today I read this article (be warned, pretty disturbing) by Nicholas Kristof (link) about human trafficking. I won't try to speak more eloquently on the subject than Mr. Kristof, he writes regularly and with a pretty committed heart about this subject. I'll say only that of all the causes that we can pay attention to, this one may take the cake. It is pain and suffering on a horrific scale, inflicted not because of weather or earthquakes, political fights or ethnic conflicts, but just plain old evil, greed, and apathy. The Somaly Mam Foundation does good work, and right in the worst parts of this thing.

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